Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Diversions IV

::Evoe - This is the new bistro/cafe/tasting room in Pastaworks on Hawthorne. I've lunched there three times now (twice on consecutive days.) Casual dining with exquisite food offering - salads, charcuterie, soups, sandwiches and, importantly fried items. The grilled cheese sandwich is to die for. Plus you get to watch the chef in action. Good theater.
::Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares - I'm not sure I like Gordon Ramsey but I've become obsessed with this show in which he visits failing restaurants and attempts to turn them around in an unfeasibly short period of time. It has made me rather suspicious of restaurant kitchens, hence my current preference for the open options (see above.)
::Brideshead Revisited - Nowhere near as good as the 1981 TV series with Jeremy Irons, this film version of Evelyn Waugh's 1945 novel bills itself as a "poignant story of forbidden love." I had thought it was about the disappearing tradition of aristocracy and the outworking of God's grace in people's lives. Maybe that doesn't sell films.
::The Duchess - I was really excited to see this film version of the book Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire which kick started my ongoing interest in 18th century aristocracy. And I do think that high praise should go to Ralph Fienne's portrait of the duke. Best performance, however, must go to Keira Knightley's eyebrows which truly dominate the action. Seriously. Never seen anything like it.


suze said...

To get a really good modern-day example of how they lived, next time you're in Devon go to The Endsleigh Hotel. It was built by the Dutchess of Bedford and now owned by Alex Polizzi (of the Forte clan). It's seriously fabulous and seriously expensive. We were there at the same time as David Bailey, so spent quite a lot of time trying to look interesting and photogenic (and failing completely).

suze said...

oh crap - no edit button.... it's Duchess, no 't'