I should qualify the last Benadryl-fueled post, by explaining that a) its not completely over - still got six weeks of radiation to go and b) I had hoped to go for big laughs by including a file with the actual sweet voice of Roy Orbison singing the words "It's over..." but this was beyond this blog's (and this blogger's) technical limitations.
Anyhoo, yesterday was amost (dare I say it) fun. My bloodwork is within degrees of normal, weight stable, blood pressure a little high, Oxygen 100%, pulse 75. Which is all good. We took cookies in for the nurses and it was hugs all round as I left. I'll miss those guys. We then went out for a celebration lunch at Evoe where Kevin obliged us with the most delicious salads and omelettes.
For the record the Benadryl + steroids + wine combination does not make for an easy night of sleep.
Apparently I'll be phoning Dr. Bader next week to determine the next order of events: port removal, radiation and the like.
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