Saturday, October 18, 2008

Minor Observations

The magazines in the oncologist's office are, for the most part, good and current (OK, I did find a Sunset from December 07 the other day.) Presumably this is because people spend a lot of time there. Sometimes there are donuts and cookies. I'm guessing these are provided by grateful patients. I should probably take some tasty thank-you treats with me when I go in for the final session (which is, by the way, October 29th should anyone want to throw me a big party some time soon thereafter.)


DAB said...

Hi there - Melissa's friend Denise here. Very happy for you that the 29th is your last day of Chemo... Melissa's last drip is the 28th. Some things definitely to celebrate: both your ending dates, halloween, and hopefully the upcoming election. The Peterson's are having an 'end of chemo (and Matt's birthday)' party the 8th of November - if you are so inclined to come North for the bash, we have a modest guest room with it's own small bath (no spa, sorry...) - we are more than happy to have guests. (You don't even have to see us... although our dog would most definitely plop outside your door for the duration) Just an open invite if you are so inclined and need options. Congrats on nearing the end of treatment!

Melissa said...

Bex, check out my latest blog post for MY reading material....:-)

Melissa said...

Also, Matt and I would be THRILLED if you could come up for our huge Matt's Birthday/Barack Won/Melissa (And Bex) Done with Chemo party on the 8th of November. Having it at Soul Repair Shop on Capitol Hill near Creature -- food, bevvies, entertainment supplied.
