But not any more. No, sir. Meds are my friends. This selection here includes anti-nausea, steroids, pain killers, blood pressure, antacids and anti-anxiety. I'm a big chemistry experiment.
Actually as of yesterday I feel almost normal. I even sucked down a glass of wine last night (OK, several...) without the sensation of quaffing on hydrochloric acid. Just in time for round two (sigh.)
Better living through chemistry...I know you'll be so happy when this is over and you're back to popping advil again.
(rice pudding is on it's way)
I have always been hard pressed to even take an Advil...and now I have a very similar collection! I'm most fond of my Xanax.
And least fond and will never ever take again an Ambien. Bad Sibyl dreams and wouldn't let me sleep....erg.
Joining the chemo parade next Tuesday. Nervous, but reading your post helped. I think I am going to be most bitter about not wanting wine, although again, your post cheered me greatly and gave me hope that it won't be as bad as I think.
xox= mp
Can make you stacks of shephards pie - it occurs to me that small frozen pies minus the mash would be best. I have lots of lamb in my freezer and would love to make it into pie for you. Are you up for making the mashed potato for each one?
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