Sunday, August 24, 2008

Block Party?

Typically on day 3 post chemo I would not be excited at the prospect of a hundred plus people assembling outside my house for six hours of live music. Actually, that would be typical of any day, chemo or no. But for some reason, I was not as tired as expected yesterday, and I kinda got into the show.

This was the third annual block party hosted by my neighbor, Brian, in large part (I believe) as a showcase for his band Outpost - possibly the happiest band I've ever seen.

The spectacle was enhanced by a handful of falafel and smoothie vendors plus scantily clad hula/fire dancers. Oh, and the aforementioned hundred plus, each of whom seemed to arrive with a 12-pack. By the 9pm curfew, this crowd was loaded. But Brian and the band had the wisdom and courtesy to move the after party to a bar up the street and not his house for which I'm very grateful.

I'm very tired today. The chemicals must have kicked into high gear. So far have read the NYT (good one today), done one load of laundry and made bacon & eggs. That took seven hours. Arguably a typical Sunday.

1 comment:

Chris Teso said...

That's more productive than our typical Sunday, and we're sans chemo (obv).

Glad Bend treated you well.