Saturday, November 1, 2008

Completely Unrelated

Poor Annie will be joining me on the couch for a while. She sliced open some of the webbing on her foot this morning while on one of her more enthusiastic walks. Actually she embraces pretty much all activities with boundless enthusiasm, which is why it's a little sad to see her all drugged up and sacked out.

Separately, why is it that all veterinarian bills net out at around $200?


Chris Teso said...

oh no! poor annie. It's only a matter of time before hyper belmont suffers the same fate.

$200... just low enough for you to not balk at and just high enough to ensure you feel like you've invested in your pet.

Melissa said...

Poor Annie!

All vet appts cost approximately $200 until they go up an order of magnitude to $2,000, which is our last vet bill. But Durham really enjoys his new knee....