This came from something I just read in the Wall Street Journal about a series of classes Sloane Kettering offers for cancer patients. I think there might be applicable learnings for everyone. The curriculum is as follows:
- BC and AD (before cancer and after diagnosis): think about the past and what cancer has taken away. Find ways to still enjoy things.
- Historical sources of meaning: reflect on family, the era in which you grew up and even the meaning of your name. Remember the times you have been brave.
- Encountering life's limitations: you can still choose your attitude. Discussion question: what would be a meaningful death?
- What could live on beyond yourself?
- Resolve issues from the past.
- Transcend the limits imposed by cancer. Make life meaningful even if you're just lying in bed.
- Experience life: list the things you love or find beautiful.
- Work on a "legacy" project: write a book; create a piece of art; pass down a family recipe; "be the courageous person people think I am."
Frankl - Man's search for meaning
Death of Ivan Ilyich - in which he becomes the person he wants to be in the last five minutes of life.
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